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February 6th
Which Legendary Pokemon is known for being the guardian of the seas and resides in the Whirl Islands?
What item is required to evolve Sneasel into Weavile in the Pokemon games?
Which Electric/Dragon-type Pokemon serves as the mascot of Pokemon Black 2?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability to evolve into two forms, Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan, depending on its Attack and Defense stats?
In the Pokemon games, which Grass-type Pokemon evolves into Roserade when exposed to a Shiny Stone?
January 6th
Which Pokemon is the mascot of Team Aqua, one of the villainous teams in the series?
In the Pokemon games, which item is required to evolve Eevee into Leafeon?
Which Pokemon is known for being the first to have the Fairy/Steel typing?
What is the signature move of the Pokemon Zoroark, known for its Illusion ability?
Which Pokemon evolves into Meowstic, with different forms depending on its gender?
June 30th
Which Pokemon is known for being the first to have three different forms based on the type of incense it holds?
Which Pokemon is unique for being the first to have Mega Evolutions for both of its final forms?
Which Pokemon is known for being the first to have a regional form introduced in the Alola region?
Which Pokemon is notable for being the first Legendary Pokemon to have a pre-evolution?
Which Pokemon is known for its unique typing as a Bug/Water-type and evolves from a Pokemon with a different primary type?
June 30th
Which Grass/Poison-type Pokemon evolves from Bulbasaur and evolves into Venusaur?
In the Pokemon games, which Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon is known for evolving from Bagon and evolving into Salamence?
Which Water-type Pokemon evolves from Wailmer and is known for being one of the largest Pokemon in terms of size?
Which Electric-type Pokemon evolves from Pichu and is known for being the mascot of the Pokemon franchise?
Which Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon evolves from Kirlia and is known for its elegant appearance and powerful psychic abilities?
April 5th
Which Pokemon is known for being the only dual-type Pokemon that is both Electric and Normal?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the highest base HP stat of all Poison-type Pokemon?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Wandering Spirit', allowing it to switch its Ability with a Pokémon that hits it with a move that makes direct contact?
What is the signature move of the Pokemon Drampa, known for its dragon-like appearance?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Stance Change', allowing it to switch between offensive and defensive forms during battle?
April 5th
Which Pokemon was the first Dark-type Pokemon introduced in Generation II of the Pokemon games?
In the Pokemon games, which Dragon-type Pokemon is known for having the highest base Special Defense stat?
Which Ghost-type Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Disguise', allowing it to take a free hit without taking damage?
In the Pokemon games, which Bug-type Pokemon is known for evolving into two different forms based on its level and time of day?
Which Water-type Pokemon is known for its ability 'Schooling', allowing it to change form and become more powerful when its HP is high?
March 4th
Which Pokemon was the first Electric-type introduced in Generation IV of the Pokemon games?
In Generation II of the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the highest base stat total?
Which Pokemon is known for being the only Fire/Steel-type Pokemon in the series?
In the Pokemon games, which Ground-type Pokemon is known for its ability to change its form based on the weather in battle?
Which Pokemon is known for evolving into two different forms based on its gender in the Pokemon games?
March 4th
Which Pokemon is known for evolving into eight different forms based on various conditions and held items?
In the Pokemon world, which Pokemon is considered the 'Mythical DNA' Pokemon and is known for its genetic composition?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y, changing its type and appearance?
In the Pokemon games, which Ghost-type Pokemon is known for being a cursed spirit that takes possession of a Froslass to become complete?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability to change forms using the Prison Bottle item, transforming into a menacing and powerful form?
March 4th
Which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Fluffy', reducing the damage taken from moves that make direct contact, but doubling all Fire-type moves' damage taken?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Dazzling', preventing opponents from using priority moves?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability 'Stakeout', dealing double damage to opponents switching in or entering the field?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Triage', giving priority to restorative moves used by the Pokémon?
Which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Queenly Majesty', preventing opponents from using priority moves?
February 29th
Which Pokemon is known for its ability 'Magic Bounce', reflecting status-changing moves used on it back to the opponent?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the ability 'Refrigerate', turning Normal-type moves into Ice-type moves and boosting their power?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Armor Bird' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Iron Head'?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the ability 'Unseen Fist', allowing it to hit through protect moves and Max Guard?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Regal Pokemon' and can learn the move 'Moonblast'?
February 14th
Which Pokemon is known for its ability 'Regenerator', allowing it to regain 1/3 of its maximum HP upon switching out?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the ability 'Contrary', causing stat changes to have an opposite effect?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability 'Water Bubble', reducing the power of Fire-type moves used against it and preventing burns?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the ability 'Steelworker', boosting the power of its Steel-type moves by 50%?
Which Pokemon is known for its ability 'Comatose', keeping it permanently in a drowsy state, preventing all status conditions except sleep?
January 11th
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Tough Claws', boosting the power of its contact moves?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the highest base Attack stat?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Mystic' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Aura Sphere'?
What is the signature move of the Pokemon Greninja?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the highest base Special Attack stat?
January 10th
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Sea Guardian' and can learn the move 'Aqua Jet'
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Flash Fire', making it immune to Fire-type moves and boosting its Fire-type moves
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the highest base Speed stat
Which Pokemon has the ability 'No Guard', making all moves used by or against it to hit without fail
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Snowstorm' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Blizzard'
January 10th
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Emperor of the Sea' and can learn the move 'Hydro Pump'?
What is the signature move of the Pokemon Dragapult?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Corrosion', allowing it to poison any Pokemon regardless of type or ability?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon is known for having the highest base Special Defense stat?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Renegade Pokemon' and can mega evolve into Mega Sableye?
January 10th
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Brutal Star' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Meteor Mash'
In the Pokemon series, which Legendary Pokemon has the ability 'Pressure' and is known for its connection to the weather
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Refrigerate', turning Normal-type moves into Ice-type moves and boosting their power
Which Mythical Pokemon is known as the 'Alpha Pokemon' and can learn the move 'Judgment'
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the ability 'Regenerator' and is known for its regenerative abilities
January 10th
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Parental Bond', allowing it to hit twice in one turn?
In the Pokemon games, which Pokemon has the highest base Attack stat?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Protean', allowing it to change its type to the type of the move it's about to use?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Pixilate', turning Normal-type moves into Fairy-type moves and boosting their power?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Speed Boost', increasing its Speed stat at the end of each turn?
December 23rd
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Lava Dome' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Eruption'
In the Pokemon series, which move has the highest base power and is known for its destructive force?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Sky High' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Brave Bird'
In the Pokemon games, which character is known for being the regional Champion of the Unova region?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Deep Sea' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Origin Pulse'
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Prism Armor', reducing the power of supereffective moves against it?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Sky High' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Dragon Ascent'
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Continent' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Precipice Blades'
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Slush Rush', doubling its speed in a hailstorm?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Thunderclap' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Bolt Strike'
December 18th
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Time Traveler' Pokemon and can learn the move 'Teleport'?
In the Pokemon games, which character is known for being the regional Champion of the Kanto region?
Which Pokemon is known as the 'Guardian of the Sea' and can learn the move 'Hydro Pump'?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Levitate', making it immune to Ground-type moves?
What is the name of the organization in the Pokemon series that aims to create a world where people and Pokemon live separately?
December 18th
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Unaware', ignoring the target's stat changes when calculating damage?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Magic Bounce', reflecting status moves back to the user?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Sturdy', preventing it from being knocked out in one hit?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Mold Breaker', allowing it to ignore the abilities of other Pokemon?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Sheer Force', boosting the power of its moves but causing them to lose their additional effects?
December 18th
Which Pokemon can have the ability 'Power Construct' and transform into Complete Form when its HP is below half?
In which generation of Pokemon games were Mega Evolutions first introduced?
What is the signature move of the Pokemon Decidueye?
Which Pokemon has the ability 'Prankster' and is known for its mischievous nature?
In the Pokemon series, which move has the highest base power and is known for its destructive force?