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March 9th
What is the purpose of JavaScript's 'use strict' directive?
Which JavaScript method is used to combine two or more arrays into one?
What is the output of 'console.log(typeof NaN)' in JavaScript?
Which JavaScript feature allows functions to remember the scope in which they were created?
March 9th
Which feature in JavaScript allows functions to be used as values, passed as arguments, and returned from other functions?
What is the purpose of the 'use strict' directive in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, what is the term for a function that has access to the parent scope, even after the parent function has closed?
Which JavaScript built-in method can be used to convert an object into a string representation?
March 9th
Which keyword in JavaScript is used to declare a variable that can be reassigned?
What is the purpose of the 'use strict' directive in JavaScript?
Which method is used to convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object?
In JavaScript, what is the type of NaN?
February 8th
Which feature introduced in ECMAScript 2015 enables the creation of private variables by using closures?
What is the primary purpose of the 'Reflect' object introduced in ECMAScript 2015?
Which JavaScript feature facilitates lazy evaluation by pausing and resuming function execution?
What JavaScript construct enables the manipulation of property descriptors for an object?
Which advanced JavaScript feature allows the creation of proxy objects to customize fundamental operations like property lookup?
December 8th
Which keyword in JavaScript is used to create a new object instance from a constructor function?
What array method in JavaScript returns the first element that satisfies a given condition?
In JavaScript, which method would you use to convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object?
Which method in JavaScript can be used to merge two or more arrays into a new array?
What is the term for the error handling mechanism in JavaScript that uses 'try', 'catch', and 'finally' blocks?
May 10th
Which ECMAScript specification introduced the 'let' and 'const' keywords in JavaScript?
What is the purpose of the 'Symbol' data type introduced in ECMAScript 6?
In JavaScript, what is the main difference between 'map()' and 'forEach()' array methods?
What does the 'async' keyword do in JavaScript when used before a function declaration?
Which JavaScript feature, introduced in ES6, allows developers to extract data from arrays or objects into distinct variables?
July 29th
What is the purpose of the 'typeof' operator in JavaScript?
What is an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) in JavaScript?
What is the default scope of a variable declared with the 'var' keyword?
What does the 'this' keyword refer to in JavaScript?
What does the 'NaN' value represent in JavaScript?