Hunt Showdown Trivia

Experience the ultimate fusion of entertainment and knowledge with's AI-powered trivia game, centered around Hunt Showdown. Immerse yourself in a captivating trivia adventure where engaging questions about this heart-pounding multiplayer game await. Our adaptive AI technology ensures a personalized experience, accommodating players of all knowledge levels. Discover fascinating insights, test your expertise, and compete with fellow trivia enthusiasts or fellow Hunt Showdown fans. Get ready to embark on a mind-blowing journey that challenges and entertains, all in one exhilarating place. Join the community now and conquer the Hunt Showdown trivia universe like never before!

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October 23rd
  • What is the name of the primary currency used in Hunt Showdown?
  • Which two types of monsters are considered the 'mini-bosses' in Hunt Showdown?


October 23rd
  • What is the maximum number of players that can participate in a single match of Hunt Showdown?
  • Which two enemy types are considered the bosses in Hunt Showdown?


October 23rd
  • In Hunt Showdown, what is the primary objective of the game?
  • Which weapon category is commonly used for long-range engagements in Hunt Showdown?


October 23rd
  • Which legendary Hunter in Hunt Showdown has the ability to banish other players from the game?