Hollywood Movies Trivia

Step into the captivating world of Hollywood Movies with TriviaUniverseAI.com! Engage in an unparalleled trivia experience, powered by cutting-edge AI technology. Immerse yourself in an array of diverse questions that span the realms of Tinseltown, challenging even the most knowledgeable film buffs. Our adaptive AI ensures every level of expertise is accommodated, providing an inclusive and delightful gameplay for all. Unleash your inner film enthusiast and embark on a thrilling journey through the silver screen. Join us at TriviaUniverseAI.com and prepare to be entertained, educated, and enchanted by the Hollywood Movies trivia game of a lifetime!

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November 12th
  • Which Hollywood movie holds the record for the highest box office gross of all time?
  • Which Hollywood movie features the character Hannibal Lecter?
  • Which Hollywood movie won the most Academy Awards?
  • Which Hollywood movie was the first to feature sound?
  • Which Hollywood movie features the famous line, 'You can't handle the truth!'?


August 21st
  • Which Hollywood movie featured the iconic line, 'I'm king of the world!'?
  • Which Hollywood movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2008?
  • Which Hollywood movie features the character Tony Montana and the famous line, 'Say hello to my little friend!'?
  • Which Hollywood movie is based on the true story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team?
  • Which Hollywood movie features a character named Travis Bickle and the famous line, 'You talkin' to me?'?


August 21st
  • Which Hollywood movie holds the record for the longest continuous shot?
  • Which Hollywood movie was the first to feature a computer-generated main character?
  • Which Hollywood movie is known for its groundbreaking bullet time visual effect?
  • Which Hollywood movie features a famous dance sequence in which the characters perform on a staircase?
  • Which Hollywood movie marked the first appearance of James Bond on the big screen?


August 21st
  • Which Hollywood movie holds the record for the highest number of Oscar nominations without winning a single award?
  • Which Hollywood movie was the first to gross over $1 billion worldwide?
  • Who directed the 1994 crime film 'Pulp Fiction'?
  • Which Hollywood movie won the Best Picture Oscar in 2019?
  • Which Hollywood movie features the iconic line, 'Here's looking at you, kid'?