Hentai Trivia Trivia

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September 20th
  • Who is considered the 'father' of modern hentai?
  • What does the term 'hentai' mean in Japanese?
  • Which year is often considered the birth year of hentai anime?
  • What is the name of the tentacle monster in the hentai anime 'La Blue Girl'?
  • Which hentai manga series is known for its extreme and violent content?
  • Which country is known for its production and consumption of hentai?
  • What is the term for hentai featuring young-looking characters?
  • Which hentai anime series is known for its sci-fi and cyberpunk themes?
  • Who is the main female character in the hentai manga 'Bible Black'?
  • Which hentai anime series is known for its supernatural and occult themes?