Guns Trivia

Step into the immersive world of Guns trivia at, where our AI-powered game will put your knowledge to the test. Engage in a thrilling journey through a vast collection of diverse questions about Guns, from iconic models to historical moments and famous gunsmiths. Whether you're a seasoned trivia enthusiast or a passionate Guns fan, our adaptive AI technology ensures that every challenge caters to your knowledge level. Unleash your expertise, compete with friends or challenge opponents worldwide, and discover the ultimate trivia experience that truly captures the essence of Guns.

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December 11th
  • Which gun manufacturer produced the M1911, a popular semi-automatic pistol?
  • What is the caliber of the famous Desert Eagle handgun?
  • Which firearm is known as the 'Peacemaker' and was popular in the American Wild West?
  • What is the name of the iconic sniper rifle used by the US military, known for its accuracy and reliability?
  • Which gun is named after its Austrian designer and is known for its polymer frame and safe-action system?