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July 28th
Who is the Greek hero known for his role in the Trojan War and his vulnerability being a single spot on his body?
Which Greek mythological figure was condemned to push a boulder up a hill for eternity as punishment for his deceitfulness?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, often depicted with a trident?
Who is the Greek goddess of the hearth and home, often depicted as a modestly veiled woman?
In Greek mythology, who is the hero known for his twelve labors, including slaying the Nemean Lion and capturing the Golden Hind of Artemis?
July 21st
Which hero in Greek mythology is known for his role in leading the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess associated with the harvest, agriculture, and fertility, who is also the mother of Persephone?
Which Greek mythological figure is known for his punishment of being chained to a rock where an eagle eats his liver daily?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and wild animals, and is often depicted with a bow and arrows?
Who is the Greek god known as the ruler of the underworld, who abducted Persephone to be his wife?
July 21st
Which Greek god is known for his role as the messenger of the gods and is often depicted with winged sandals and a caduceus?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, often depicted with a trident?
Which Greek goddess is known as the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts, and is often associated with the city of Athens?
In Greek mythology, who is the hero known for slaying the Minotaur in the labyrinth on the island of Crete?
Which figure in Greek mythology is known for being condemned to push a boulder up a hill for eternity as punishment for his deceitfulness?
July 21st
In Greek mythology, who is the wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, known for her abduction and subsequent return to the surface for part of the year?
Which Greek hero, known for his role in the Trojan War, was invulnerable except for his heel?
In Greek mythology, who is the craftsman and inventor known for creating the Labyrinth on Crete?
Who is the Greek goddess of the hearth and home, often depicted as a modestly veiled woman?
In Greek mythology, who is the hero that tamed the winged horse Pegasus and defeated the Chimera?
June 30th
In Greek mythology, who is the hero known for his twelve labors, including slaying the Nemean Lion and capturing the Golden Hind of Artemis?
Which Greek goddess sprang fully grown and armored from the forehead of Zeus?
Who is the Greek god of war, often depicted with a spear and shield, and known for his fierce and aggressive nature?
In Greek mythology, who is the king of the gods, ruling from Mount Olympus and wielding a thunderbolt?
Which Greek hero is known for his journey home after the Trojan War, a voyage that took ten years and included encounters with the Cyclops and the Sirens?
May 31st
In Greek mythology, what creature is known for its ability to turn those who gaze upon it into stone?
Which Greek mythological figure is the god of dreams and the son of Hypnos, the god of sleep?
Who is the Greek hero known for his tragic flaw of anger, leading to the death of his wife and children?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the moon and hunting, often associated with childbirth and young animals?
Which Greek mythological figure is the ferryman of the dead, guiding souls across the river that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead?
May 13th
Which Greek mythological figure is the god of wine, ritual madness, and ecstasy, often associated with fertility and theater?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and wild animals, often depicted with a bow and arrows?
Which Greek mythological figure is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire, often depicted with a magical girdle that compels love?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the sky, lightning, and thunder, often depicted wielding a thunderbolt?
Which Greek mythological figure is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, often associated with fertility and the changing seasons?
May 13th
Which Greek mythological figure is the daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and the goddess of eternal youth and springtime?
In Greek mythology, which deity is the goddess of discord and strife, known for causing chaos and conflicts among gods and mortals?
Who is the Greek mythological figure known as the god of the sun, healing, music, and poetry, often depicted driving a chariot across the sky?
In Greek mythology, which figure is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family, symbolizing the importance of domestic life and community unity?
Which Greek mythological figure is the god of the underworld and the dead, known for his role as the judge of the souls in the afterlife?
May 11th
Which Greek mythological figure is the daughter of the titan Perses and the nymph Asteria, known for her role as the goddess of witchcraft, magic, and ghosts?
Who is the Greek god of fire and the forge in Greek mythology, known for his craftsmanship and his role as the blacksmith of the gods?
In Greek mythology, which figure is the goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods, and a divine servant who travels with great speed?
Who is the Greek mythological figure known as the god of the north wind and the bringer of winter, often depicted as a bearded old man with a staff?
Which Greek mythological figure is the primordial deity who personifies the deep darkness of the underworld, often depicted as a gloomy and mournful spirit?
May 11th
Which Greek mythological figure is known for his cunning and intelligence, famously credited with stealing fire from the gods to give to humanity?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and virginity, often depicted with a bow and arrows?
Which Greek mythological figure is the god of the sun, light, music, and healing, often depicted with a lyre and a laurel wreath?
In Greek mythology, who is the deity of the underworld and the ruler of the dead, known for his helmet of invisibility?
Which Greek mythological figure is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and strategic tactics, often depicted with an owl and a shield called the Aegis?
May 11th
Which Greek hero is known for his tragic flaw of curiosity, leading to the release of all the evils into the world from Pandora's box?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of dreams and the son of Hypnos, the god of sleep?
Which Greek mythological figure is the goddess of divine law and order, associated with custom and tradition?
In Greek mythology, who is the personification of death and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep?
Which Greek mythological figure is the goddess of the dawn, known for opening the gates of heaven for the sun to rise each day?
April 30th
Which Greek mythological figure is the daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens and the wife of King Aegeus, known for her pivotal role in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur?
In Greek mythology, who is the deity associated with the cycle of birth, life, and death, often depicted with a torch in each hand representing the cycle of life and death?
Which Greek mythological figure is the twin brother of Artemis, known for his association with the sun, light, music, and healing?
In Greek mythology, who is the primordial deity who personifies the darkness of the underworld, often depicted as a dark-winged spirit with a sorrowful countenance?
Which Greek mythological figure is the personification of death, known for being a fearsome and relentless force that cannot be escaped or cheated?
April 28th
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of discord and chaos, known for causing strife and disagreements among gods and mortals?
Who is the Greek god of the sea in mythology, often depicted with a powerful trident and associated with horses and earthquakes?
Which Greek mythological figure is the patron god of travelers, boundaries, and communication, often depicted with a magical staff called the caduceus?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and strategic tactics, known for her strategic skills and patronage of heroes?
Who is the Greek titan condemned to bear the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for eternity as a punishment for rebelling against the gods?
April 5th
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, often depicted with a trident?
Which Greek hero is known for his tragic flaw of hubris, leading to his downfall after killing his father and marrying his mother?
Who is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and virginity, often accompanied by a retinue of nymphs?
In Greek mythology, which creature is a fire-breathing monster with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent?
Who is the Greek titan who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity, leading to his eternal punishment?
February 12th
Which Greek goddess is associated with marriage, women, and childbirth in Greek mythology?
Who is the Greek god of the sun, light, music, and healing in Greek mythology?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods?
Which Greek hero is known for his intelligence and cunning, leading the Greeks to victory in the Trojan War?
Who is the Greek titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity in Greek mythology?
February 12th
Which Greek god is known as the god of the sky and thunder in Greek mythology?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and strategic tactics?
Who is the Greek goddess of the earth and the mother of all Titans in Greek mythology?
Which Greek hero is known for his tragic flaw of anger and rage, leading to his eventual downfall?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the underworld and the ruler of the dead?
February 8th
Who was the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt in Greek mythology?
Who was the Greek titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity in Greek mythology?
Who was the Greek hero known for his cleverness and cunning in Greek mythology, famous for his role in the Trojan War?
Who was the Greek god of wine, fertility, and theater in Greek mythology?
Who was the Greek goddess of the dawn in Greek mythology?
January 9th
Which Greek mythological figure is the mother of Achilles?
Who is the Greek goddess of divine vengeance and retribution?
What is the name of the winged horse in Greek mythology, born from the blood of Medusa?
Who is the Greek god of dreams?
Who is the Greek goddess of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods?
January 9th
Who is the Greek god of the sea and earthquakes in Greek mythology?
In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of love, desire, and beauty?
Who is the Greek goddess of the hunt and wild animals in Greek mythology?
Who was the Greek hero known for his exceptional archery skills and being taught by Chiron, the centaur?
In Greek mythology, who is the god of the sun and music, and for driving the chariot of the sun across the sky?
January 9th
Who was the Greek goddess of childbirth and labor pains in Greek mythology?
What is the name of the Greek goddess of divine law and order?
Who was the Greek spirit of retribution and vengeance, particularly against those who had sworn false oaths in Greek mythology?
Who was the Greek goddess of youth and cupbearer to the gods, often depicted as the personification of grace and elegance?
What is the name of the Greek god of the sun, music, poetry, and oracles, who was also the patron of the arts and the leader of the Muses?