Google Trivia

Welcome to, where the captivating world of Google comes alive! Immerse yourself in our AI-powered trivia game that brings together trivia enthusiasts and Google fans alike. With an expansive array of diverse questions, from Google's fascinating history to its latest advancements, our game guarantees an engaging experience for everyone. Our adaptive AI technology ensures a tailored challenge, accommodating players of all knowledge levels. Get ready to explore the depths of Google's universe and showcase your expertise. Embark on an enthralling journey with and unlock the mysteries of Google like never before!

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October 12th
  • What year was Google founded?
  • What was the original name of Google?
  • Which company did Google acquire in 2006 that led to the development of Android?
  • What is the name of Google's self-driving car project?
  • In 2015, Google restructured its corporate organization and formed a new parent company. What is the name of that parent company?