Frankfurt School Critical Theory Trivia

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December 28th
  • Which philosopher is known for developing the concept of 'Negative Dialectics' within the Frankfurt School?
  • The 'Authoritarian Personality' study, associated with the Frankfurt School, is known for its analysis of the psychological state that contributes to fascism. Who was the lead author of this study?
  • Which member of the Frankfurt School introduced the concept of 'Cultural Industry' in the context of mass media and popular culture?
  • Who among the Frankfurt School members is known for his work on 'Eros and Civilization', exploring the relationship between civilization and human sexuality?
  • One of the Frankfurt School members is known for his concept of 'The Culture Industry'. Who is this member?


December 28th
  • Which philosopher is considered one of the founding figures of the Frankfurt School?
  • Who co-authored the influential work 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' with Max Horkheimer?
  • Which member of the Frankfurt School is known for his concept of 'One-Dimensional Man'?
  • Which philosopher and cultural critic was associated with the Frankfurt School and is known for his work on 'The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction'?
  • Who is considered one of the key figures in the development of the theory of communicative action within the Frankfurt School?