Fortnite Chapter 5 Trivia

Welcome to, where gaming enthusiasts and Fortnite Chapter 5 fans unite! Immerse yourself in an AI-powered trivia adventure that engages players with diverse, mind-boggling questions about the ever-popular Fortnite Chapter 5. Our cutting-edge adaptive AI technology ensures a personalized challenge tailored to your knowledge level, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. Get ready to test your skills, uncover secrets, and unlock new levels of excitement in this addictive and immersive AI-powered trivia game. Join us now and become the ultimate Fortnite Chapter 5 guru!

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December 11th
  • Which new gameplay mechanic was introduced in Fortnite Chapter 5?
  • What is the name of the new map location introduced in Fortnite Chapter 5?
  • Which NPC in Fortnite Chapter 5 is known for selling Exotic weapons?
  • What is the name of the new Battle Pass skin introduced in Fortnite Chapter 5?
  • Which new feature in Fortnite Chapter 5 allows players to hire NPCs as allies?