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May 25th
Which famous explorer is credited with the first successful circumnavigation of the Earth, even though he died during the voyage?
Who is the explorer known for his discovery of the source of the Nile River in Africa?
Which explorer is famous for his expedition to the North Pole in 1909, becoming the first person to reach this location?
Who is the explorer known for his exploration of the Australian continent and his encounters with the indigenous Aboriginal people?
Which famous female explorer is known for her solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932?
December 15th
Which explorer is known for his discovery of the Mississippi River and his exploration of the southeastern region of the United States?
Which explorer is known for his discovery of the Strait of Magellan, providing a navigable sea route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?
Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Incan Empire in Peru and his conquest of the region for the Spanish Crown?
Which explorer is known for his search for the Fountain of Youth and his exploration of Florida in the early 16th century?
Which explorer is known for his circumnavigation of the Earth, becoming the first to complete a global voyage?
November 19th
Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Amazon River and his search for El Dorado, the city of gold?
Which explorer is known for his journey to the coast of California and his exploration of the Pacific Northwest of America?
Which explorer is known for his discovery of the sea route to India by circumnavigating the southern tip of Africa?
Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Canadian Arctic and his search for the Northwest Passage?
Which explorer is known for his expedition to the South Pole, becoming the first person to reach the geographic South Pole?
November 15th
Which explorer is known for leading the first European expedition to reach the Americas?
Who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa, opening a sea route to Asia?
Which explorer is known for his journey to the East Indies, becoming the first European to reach Indonesia?
Who led the first European expedition to reach the Pacific Ocean from the New World, in search of a route to Asia?
Which explorer is known for his quest to find a western sea route to the "Spice Islands" and his circumnavigation of the Earth?
November 15th
Which explorer is known for his search for the Seven Cities of Gold in the Americas?
Who was the first European to reach the Pacific Ocean from the New World?
Which explorer is known for his circumnavigation of the globe, although he died during the journey?
Who was the first European to reach the southern tip of Africa, opening the sea route from Europe to Asia?
Which explorer is known for his exploration of the St. Lawrence River and his attempts to establish a settlement in Canada?
November 14th
Which explorer led the first successful expedition to circumnavigate the world?
Who was the first European to reach India by sea?
Which famous explorer discovered the sea route from Europe to America?
Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?
Which explorer is known for completing the first crossing of Antarctica?