Ethics & Moral Philosophy Trivia

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Ethics & Moral Philosophy with! Our AI-powered trivia game offers an unparalleled immersive experience, engaging players with diverse and thought-provoking questions. From ethical dilemmas to philosophical principles, challenge your knowledge and expand your understanding of this captivating field. Our adaptive AI technology ensures that players of all knowledge levels are accommodated, offering a tailored experience that keeps you hooked. Join fellow trivia enthusiasts and Ethics & Moral Philosophy fans to explore the depths of ethical reasoning in a fun and stimulating way. Get ready to be intellectually engaged like never before!

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September 17th
  • Which philosopher proposed the theory of the categorical imperative?
  • What is the name of the ethical theory that suggests the greatest happiness for the greatest number is the best action?
  • Which philosopher is best known for the idea of the 'social contract' theory?
  • In virtue ethics, what is emphasized as the basis of moral behavior?
  • Who is the philosopher associated with the idea of the 'Ubermensch' or 'Overman', focusing on individualism and self-overcoming?


September 13th
  • Which Greek philosopher is known for his contributions to ethics and is famous for the concept expressed in the phrase 'Know thyself'?
  • What ethical theory suggests that the greatest good for the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct?
  • Which branch of ethics deals with the moral value of specific actions rather than the goodness of people or institutions?
  • Who wrote 'The Nicomachean Ethics', an influential work on the nature of ethical virtue?
  • What is the principle called that suggests actions are morally right if they are in accordance with one's duty?


July 9th
  • Which Greek philosopher is known for the concept of 'Virtue Ethics'?
  • What is the term for ethical theories that focus on the consequences of actions?
  • Which moral philosophy argues that actions are right if they benefit the majority?
  • Who wrote the book 'Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals'?
  • Which of the following is a principle of Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy?


May 1st
  • Who is often regarded as the father of Western philosophy and ethics?
  • Which ethical theory emphasizes the importance of virtues such as honesty, courage, and compassion in guiding one's behavior?
  • What is the philosophical study of morality concerned with what is right or wrong in various ethical dilemmas?
  • Which philosopher is known for his categorical imperative, a principle that states one should act only according to maxims that could become universal law?
  • What branch of philosophy deals with questions about what is morally right and wrong, good and bad?


April 30th
  • Who is known as the father of modern utilitarianism?
  • What is the term for the ethical principle that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself?
  • Which philosopher is famous for his theory of Justice as Fairness?
  • What ethical theory focuses on the moral character of an individual rather than the consequences of actions?
  • Which ethical framework asserts that the rightness of actions depends on the situations or consequences?


March 24th
  • What is the ethical theory that focuses on the consequences of actions to determine their morality?
  • Who is known for the concept of the 'categorical imperative' in ethics?
  • Which philosophical principle suggests that an action is morally right if it creates the most pleasure for the greatest number of people?
  • What term refers to the belief that actions are right because they are produced from a sense of duty?
  • Who proposed the concept of 'virtue ethics' that highlights the importance of moral character in determining ethical behavior?


October 27th
  • What is the study of right and wrong conduct called?
  • Which philosopher is known for his theory of Utilitarianism?
  • What ethical system emphasizes the importance of duty and moral obligation?
  • Which ethical theory emphasizes the development of virtuous character?
  • What ethical theory asserts that an action is morally right if it promotes self-interest?