Drake and Josh Trivia

Step into the world of Drake and Josh with TriviaUniverseAI.com, the ultimate AI-powered trivia game. Immerse yourself in the hilarious adventures of this iconic duo as you engage in a captivating gameplay experience. Our adaptive AI technology ensures that trivia lovers of all knowledge levels can participate, providing a challenging yet inclusive environment. Test your expertise on everything Drake and Josh, from their wacky mishaps to unforgettable moments. Get ready to laugh, reminisce, and prove your trivia skills at TriviaUniverseAI.com - where the ultimate Drake and Josh experience awaits!

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August 6th
  • What is the name of Megan's best friend in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • In the episode 'Mindy's Back', what does Mindy Crenshaw bring to school to prove she's dating Josh?
  • What is the name of Drake's band in 'Drake and Josh'?


August 6th
  • In the TV show 'Drake and Josh', what is the name of the school they attend?
  • What is the name of the character played by Drake Bell in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of the character played by Josh Peck in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of the boys' younger sister in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of Drake and Josh's mom in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of Josh's dad in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of the theater manager where Drake and Josh work in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of Josh's crush who works at the movie theater in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of Drake's best friend in 'Drake and Josh'?
  • What is the name of the character played by Jerry Trainor in 'Drake and Josh'?