Dota2 Trivia

Experience the ultimate trivia showdown with's AI-powered Dota2 trivia game. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Dota2 as you test your knowledge with diverse and challenging questions. Our adaptive AI technology ensures a personalized experience, catering to players of all skill levels. From heroes to strategies, dive deep into the intricate details of Dota2 as you compete against fellow enthusiasts. Prepare to be engrossed, engaged, and exhilarated in this epic battle of wits. Join now and prove yourself as the ultimate Dota2 trivia champion!

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May 27th
  • Which hero in Dota 2 has the ability 'Chronosphere'?
  • What is the maximum level of abilities that heroes can reach in Dota 2?
  • Which item in Dota 2 is known for providing spell immunity to a hero?
  • Which hero in Dota 2 has the ability 'Ravage'?
  • In Dota 2, what is the name of the ancient creature that Roshan is based on?


August 9th
  • Which hero has an ability called 'Ravage'?
  • Which hero is known for his ability to summon illusions of himself?
  • Which hero has an ability that can make enemies miss attacks?
  • Which hero has an ability called 'Black Hole'?
  • Which hero is known for his ability to summon treants and teleport across the map?