Climate Change Trivia

Explore the captivating world of Climate Change trivia at! Immerse yourself in this AI-powered game that seamlessly merges education and entertainment. Engage with a myriad of thought-provoking questions that delve into the complex realms of Climate Change. Our adaptive AI technology tailors the experience to your knowledge level, ensuring a challenging yet accessible gameplay for trivia enthusiasts and Climate Change fans alike. Unleash your curiosity and join the quest to expand your understanding of one of the most pressing issues of our time. Get ready to be educated, enthralled, and enlightened at

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September 7th
  • Which international agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?
  • What is the term for the process by which the Earth's average temperature increases and leads to changes in climate patterns?
  • Which greenhouse gas is released in large quantities during the production and use of coal, oil, and natural gas?
  • What is the term used to describe the gradual rise in sea levels due to the melting of glaciers and ice caps?
  • Which greenhouse gas is considered to have the highest global warming potential (GWP) over a 100-year timescale?


August 21st
  • In which year was the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) established?
  • Which country is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2) globally?
  • What is the term used to describe the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions underground?
  • Which greenhouse gas has the highest global warming potential (GWP) over a 100-year timescale?
  • What is the main driver of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?


August 6th
  • Which greenhouse gas is primarily responsible for global warming?
  • What is the main source of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions?
  • What is the term used to describe the gradual increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities?