Boardgames Trivia

Step into the immersive world of Boardgames trivia with! Our AI-powered game engages players with diverse questions that will challenge even the most knowledgeable Boardgame aficionados. With adaptive AI technology, the game caters to players of all knowledge levels, ensuring a stimulating experience for everyone. Get ready to test your expertise and discover fascinating facts about your favorite Boardgames. Join the community of trivia enthusiasts and Boardgame fans as you embark on an unforgettable journey through the captivating world of Boardgames at!

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September 2nd
  • In the game 'Agricola', how many rounds are played in a standard game?
  • Which board game was first published in 1957 and has a variant called 'The Mega Edition'?
  • In the board game 'Twilight Struggle', which two superpowers are pitted against each other?
  • Which board game involves players building and managing their own railroad company?
  • In the game 'Terraforming Mars', what year does the game start in?