Art Trivia

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April 1st
  • Which Dutch painter is known for his self-portraits and created over 40 paintings of sunflowers during his career?
  • Who is the artist behind the famous sculpture 'The Thinker', originally part of a larger work called 'The Gates of Hell'?
  • Which artist, known for his geometric abstract art, co-founded the De Stijl art movement in the Netherlands in the early 20th century?
  • Who is the Italian artist and inventor famous for works like the 'Vitruvian Man' and 'The Last Supper'?
  • Which American artist, known for his pop art style, created the famous artwork 'Campbell's Soup Cans' in 1962?


February 22nd
  • Which artist created the painting 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon', considered a groundbreaking work in the development of modern art?
  • Who is the artist known for his 'Dance' series of paintings, portraying dynamic and rhythmic compositions of dancers in motion?
  • Which artist is famous for his optical illusion artworks, such as the 'Relativity' lithograph that depicts an impossible and mind-bending architectural structure?
  • Who is the artist known for his 'Blue Period' and 'Rose Period', characterized by a series of artworks dominated by these color themes?
  • Which artist, associated with the Surrealist movement, created the famous painting 'The Elephants' featuring elongated and fantastical elephant legs?


January 23rd
  • Which artist is known for his work 'Guernica', a powerful anti-war painting that depicts the suffering and chaos of the Spanish Civil War?
  • What is the title of the famous sculpture by Michelangelo that depicts the biblical figure of David?
  • Which French artist is known for his series of water lily paintings, capturing the beauty of his garden in Giverny?
  • Who is the artist known for his painting 'Starry Night', which features a swirling night sky and a tranquil village at night?
  • Which Italian Renaissance artist is known for painting the iconic 'The Birth of Venus', depicting the goddess Venus emerging from the sea on a shell?


December 31st
  • Which artist is known for his innovative use of geometric shapes and bold colors in his abstract paintings, including 'Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow', which exemplifies his commitment to neoplasticism?
  • Who is the Italian Renaissance artist known for his work 'The School of Athens', depicting famous philosophers and scholars of ancient Greece?
  • Which artist is known for his series of paintings of water lilies, capturing the beauty of the natural world in a unique and immersive way?
  • Who is the artist known for his large-scale, abstract expressionist paintings, including 'No. 5, 1948' and 'Blue Poles', which are celebrated for their dynamic and emotive qualities?
  • Which artist is known for his use of fragmented forms and multiple perspectives in his iconic painting 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon', a key work in the development of cubism?


December 31st
  • Who is the artist known for his painting 'The Night Cafe', which captures a vivid and disorienting interior with intense colors and bold brushwork?
  • Which artist is known for his groundbreaking sculpture 'Unique Forms of Continuity in Space', a dynamic and futuristic representation of movement and energy?
  • Who created the iconic painting 'The Treachery of Images', featuring the text 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe' (This is not a pipe) written under a realistic representation of a pipe?
  • Which artist is known for his influential work 'Composition VII', a dynamic and abstract painting that showcases his innovative use of color and form?
  • Who is the artist known for his surrealist masterpiece 'The Elephants', featuring elongated and distorted pachyderms in an otherworldly landscape?


December 31st
  • Which French artist is known for his large-scale water lily paintings, such as the 'Water Lilies' series, which are celebrated for their immersive and atmospheric qualities?
  • Who is the Italian Baroque painter known for his dramatic use of light and shadow in works such as 'Judith Beheading Holofernes' and 'David with the Head of Goliath'?
  • Which Dutch artist, known for his mastery of light and shadow, is celebrated for his detailed and realistic paintings of domestic scenes and still lifes, including 'The Milkmaid' and 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'?
  • Who is the Spanish artist known for his surrealist masterpiece 'The Persistence of Memory', featuring melting clocks in a dreamlike landscape, and for his eccentric and imaginative approach to art?
  • Which Italian Renaissance artist, known for his innovative use of perspective and for painting 'The School of Athens', is celebrated for his contributions to the High Renaissance art movement?


December 31st
  • Who is the artist known for his painting 'The Starry Night', featuring swirling clouds and a bright crescent moon in a vibrant night sky?
  • Which artist is known for his innovative use of geometric shapes and bold colors in his abstract paintings, including 'Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow', which exemplifies his commitment to neoplasticism?
  • Who is the Italian Renaissance artist known for his groundbreaking work 'The Last Supper', a monumental mural painting located in the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan?
  • Which artist is known for his surrealist masterpiece 'The Persistence of Memory', featuring melting clocks in a dreamlike landscape, and for his eccentric and imaginative approach to art?
  • Who is the Dutch Baroque painter known for his use of light and shadow in his works, such as 'The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp' and 'The Night Watch'?


December 29th
  • Who is the artist known for his painting 'The Scream', featuring a figure with a haunting, agonized expression against a vivid, swirling background?
  • Which artist created the artwork 'Les Amoureux', portraying a couple embracing amidst vibrant, colorful patterns and shapes?
  • Who is the artist known for his large-scale, abstract expressionist paintings, including 'No. 5, 1948' and 'Blue Poles', which are celebrated for their dynamic and emotive qualities?
  • Which artist is famous for his surrealist painting 'The Son of Man', depicting a man in a bowler hat with an apple obscuring his face, creating an enigmatic and thought-provoking image?
  • Who is the artist known for his innovative use of geometric shapes and bold colors in his abstract paintings, including 'Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow', which exemplifies his commitment to neoplasticism?


December 28th
  • Who is the artist known for the painting 'The Persistence of Memory'?
  • Which artist is known for the art movement called 'Suprematism', characterized by simple geometric shapes and limited colors?
  • Who created the 'Fountain', a famous urinal that is considered a pioneering work of conceptual art?
  • Which artist is known for the 'Cut Piece', a performance artwork in which the audience was invited to cut off pieces of the artist's clothing?
  • Who is the artist known for the 'Infinity Mirror Rooms', immersive installations that create a sense of endless space through mirrors and lights?


December 16th
  • Which art movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is known for its distorted depiction of reality and unconventional use of color and form?
  • Who is the Dutch painter known for his iconic 'Sunflowers' series and 'The Starry Night'?
  • In which Italian city is the renowned statue of David sculpted by Michelangelo located?
  • Who is the artist famous for creating large-scale environmental artworks, such as 'The Lightning Field' and 'The Gates'?
  • Which art movement, originating in the early 20th century, is characterized by abstract and geometric compositions and a focus on the purity of form and color?


November 4th
  • Which artist is known for his sculpture 'The Gates of Hell'?
  • Who painted the masterpiece 'Guernica'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Cut-Outs' series, where he created large-scale collages using colored paper?
  • Who is the artist behind the famous painting 'The Persistence of Memory'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Black Square' painting, a symbol of suprematism?


November 4th
  • Who is the artist behind the painting 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Blue Period'?
  • Who sculpted the famous statue 'The Thinker'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Sistine Chapel' ceiling frescoes?
  • Who painted the artwork 'The Persistence of Memory'?


November 4th
  • Who painted the famous artwork 'The Starry Night'?
  • Which artist is known for the sculpture 'The Thinker'?
  • Who painted the artwork 'The Persistence of Memory'?
  • Which artist is known for the painting 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon'?
  • Who is the artist behind the sculpture 'David'?


November 4th
  • Who painted the famous artwork 'The Starry Night'?
  • Which artist is known for creating the 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon' artwork?
  • Who sculpted the famous statue 'The Thinker'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Les Nymphéas' (Water Lilies) series of paintings?
  • Who is the artist behind the famous sculpture 'The Kiss'?


October 28th
  • Who is the artist behind the iconic painting 'The Persistence of Memory'?
  • Which artist painted the famous mural 'Guernica'?
  • Who is the artist known for his 'White on White' series, featuring abstract paintings with subtle variations of white?
  • Who is the artist behind the famous fresco 'The School of Athens'?
  • Who sculpted the famous statue 'David', which is considered a symbol of the Renaissance?


August 26th
  • Who is considered the father of modern art?
  • Which artist is known for his 'Blue Period'?
  • Who painted the famous artwork 'The Starry Night'?
  • Which artist is known for his use of pointillism?
  • Who sculpted the famous statue 'The Thinker'?


August 23rd
  • Who painted the famous artwork 'Les Demoiselles d'Avignon', a groundbreaking painting that marked the beginning of Cubism?
  • Which artist is known for his 'readymades', everyday objects that he transformed into works of art?
  • Who painted the iconic artwork 'The Persistence of Memory', featuring melting clocks?
  • Which artist is known for his 'cut-out' technique, creating colorful and large-scale collages?
  • Who painted the famous artwork 'The Starry Night'?


August 19th
  • ¿Quién pintó el famoso cuadro 'La Persistencia de la Memoria'?
  • ¿Cuál es la pintura más famosa de Frida Kahlo?
  • ¿Quién pintó el cuadro 'El Grito'?
  • ¿Cuál es la pintura más famosa de Diego Velázquez?
  • ¿Quién pintó 'La noche estrellada'?
  • ¿Cuál es la pintura más famosa de Pablo Picasso?
  • ¿Quién pintó 'La última cena'?
  • ¿Cuál es la pintura más famosa de Rembrandt?
  • ¿Quién pintó el famoso cuadro 'El Beso'?
  • ¿Cuál es la pintura más famosa de Claude Monet?


August 7th
  • Who painted the 'Girl with a Pearl Earring'?
  • Which artist is known for his 'The Persistence of Memory' painting?
  • Which art movement is characterized by its use of everyday objects as art?


August 7th
  • Which artist is known for his 'Starry Night' painting?
  • Which art movement was characterized by its use of bold colors, geometric shapes, and abstract forms?
  • Which artist is known for creating the 'Campbell's Soup Cans' series?