Agriculture & Farming Trivia

Get ready to put your agri-knowledge to the test with TriviaUniverseAI's Agriculture & Farming trivia game! Our AI-powered game offers an immersive and engaging experience, with diverse questions covering everything from crop cultivation to livestock management. The adaptive AI technology ensures a challenging experience for all players, regardless of their expertise level. Whether you're a trivia enthusiast or a farming aficionado, our game will keep you entertained for hours. Visit to delve into the exciting world of agriculture and farming trivia!

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December 21st
  • Which crop is most commonly grown for its use in making bread?
  • What is the primary purpose of crop rotation in farming?
  • Which farm animal is commonly raised for both meat and wool?
  • What is used to plow fields traditionally in many parts of the world?
  • What is the term for farming without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers?


August 21st
  • What is the practice of growing crops and raising livestock for human use called?
  • Which grain is commonly used to make bread worldwide?
  • What type of plant is most commonly used for making sugar?
  • Which fruit is known to keep the doctor away when eaten daily?
  • What is the primary purpose of irrigation in farming?


March 29th
  • Which agricultural crop is commonly used to make bread?
  • What is the process of planting seeds in the ground to grow crops called?
  • Which farm animal is known for producing wool?
  • What is the term for raising fish in containers or enclosures on land, often used for fish farming?
  • Which farming activity involves the keeping, breeding, and raising of bees for honey production?


January 27th
  • What is the process of cultivating soil, preparing it for crops, and raising livestock known as?
  • Which crop is known as the 'king of fruits'?
  • Which animal is known as 'the ship of the desert'?
  • What is the process of protecting and nourishing plants to ensure successful growth?
  • Which of the following is not a common method of irrigation used in agriculture?